
Conditioning lost hair ingredients
while creating just the hair wave you want
For professional use

Leafdrop ThioSoft
Cold Two-step System
Uses a botanical extract formulation to provide treatment which is gentle on both scalp and hair while creating carefully-shaped waves.
Recommended for those with normal or damaged hair.
(Amino acid-replenishing)
Agent No. 1: 160mL
Agent No. 2: 160mL

Leafdrop CYSSoft
Cold Two-step System
Uses a botanical extract formulation to provide treatment which is gentle on both scalp and hair while creating waves with a soft finish.
Recommended for those with soft or highly damaged hair.
(Amino acid-replenishing)
Agent No. 1: 160mL
Agent No. 2: 160mL

Forever beautyful and healthy
For professional use

HM parm
cyssoft108 O/R/T Agent 1
Cysteine cold two-step use Agent No.1
Three extracts (moisturizing ingredients) are used to suit each individual's scalp condition.
It gives you beautiful wavy hair while improving the environment of your scalp.
80mL each

HM parm
cyssoft108 Agent 2
Cysteine cold two-step use Agent No.2
As a 2 agent of Sys soft108, it fixes the wavy hair and curls required by a 1 agent. Minimizes stress on hair while providing a moisturizing finish.

Serves to support the hair coloring, permanent, and other salon menu options.
For professional use

Twin Shelt Ⅰ&Ⅱ
Hair Treatment
A two-agent treatment that replenishes amino acids in highly damaged and damaged hair.
Twin Shelt I 150g
Twin Shelt II 300mL

Afreshing AS Lotion
Hair Treatment
A pretreatment agent which replenishes scalp and hair moisture prior to coloring and perm treatments.

Afreshing CII Lotion
Hair Treatment
A support lotion for two-liquid perm treatment.
For perming process

Starter Cream
Hair Treatment
A cream that supplements amino acids to boost the effectiveness of treatments and curling.
For perming process